Can you imagine the relationship where your horse wanted to do all the same things you wanted to do? This is only true if you can understand the way the horse chooses to learn with you.
In a Freedom Based Training course we spend time with the horses in freedom learning to read their body language to understand how each horse would prefer to develop with humans. This is a method of cooperative training between horse and human, developed by Elsa Sinclair while filming her documentary “Taming Wild: A Girl and a Mustang”.
2 Day Workshop Saturday 30th November & Sunday 1st December 2024
Valmont Farms 90 Adelphi Road Whitemore TAS 7303
9am start each day
In a workshop, participants work with a different group of horses provided by the venue host. Generally, all participants work with all horses and thus gain a wider spectrum of experience about how different horses may react. As some participants interact with the horses, the others sit with Elsa, observing and sharing thoughts. Elsa also gives small lectures introducing each new activity, allows time for general Q&A and makes sure to offer clear guidance on how to work with a variety of horses in different situations. In a workshop the spectators are entirely involved in lectures and have the opportunity to also ask questions.
2 Day Clinic Monday 2nd & Tuesday 3rd December 2024
Valmont Farms 90 Adelphi Road Whitemore TAS 7303
9am start each day
In this clinic, each person works with their own horse for at least one hour per day and observes the other participants in process the rest of the day. Elsa divides her time between giving lectures introducing each new activity, helping participants work through the process and general Q&A throughout the clinic.
- Both clinics and workshops are appropriate for the total beginner as well as for the experienced horse person. No equipment is needed, except what is necessary for bringing the horses into the enclosure where the conversations will be held.
- Throughout the conversation, the horse remains in liberty, ideally in a large enclosure and without any restraints or tools.
- The activities can progress from just being near the horse to touching, to moving together, which could eventually lead to riding at liberty.
Prices for 2024
Elsa’s preference is for the participants to do all 4 days (please contact us if you only wish to participate in 2 days). If we still have spaces available then options of either 2 days only will be offered afterwards. The waiting list for participants will be offered to those who are booked to spectate first.
Participants 4 Days – FULLY BOOKED
(2 day Workshop with herd & 2 day clinic with your own horse)$900
($100 deposit required to secure your position with final payment due on or before 1st November).
Participant 2 Days only – FULLY BOOKED
(2 days of either workshop OR clinic) $550
Spectating Non-Horse Participants – STILL AVAILABLE
(with full participation in all the theory parts of the day and watching all horse sessions, asking questions is encouraged)
$300 for all 4 days
or $100 per day
Participant bookings must be secured with $100 deposit and are non refundable. Any booked space cancellation must be offered first to the waiting list and if there is no one available to take the position, it is your responsibility to fill it or forfeit. Due to the international travel all payments will be required to be finalised by Friday 1st November. You are welcome to make increment payments between now and then. Please just save the direct deposit details and use your name as reference. Full refunds will be made should Elsa need to cancel the clinic for any reason in advance.